Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Only Way....

This post was originally written by one of my dearest and closest friends.  She is a Godly wife, mom and friend. I can depend on her for many things.  Her blog is private, but she wrote the most AMAZING post last week that MUST NOT be kept private.  I asked her if I could post it here on my blog. Here it is....
I'm so excited to post this tonight. Try to read it slowly. I'm a little nervous, but we're friends, right? You all know something about me, but I'm not sure if you have the same thing yourself. I can't go any longer without talking about it. Who knows. This post may be just for you. :)

What is the "thing" that I have?!? It's JOY. Not because life is easy, because it is not. In fact, we could all get really bummed if we thought about just how yucky so much of the world is. But my joy is oozing out and I want it to run out onto you. Just one word.......Jesus. I think I may have heard an "amen" :) from some of you, and a few others I heard a shuffle in the seat or even an "uh-oh". Just please be still for a minute and stop thinking too much. Are you sitting still? Are you quiet. Can you hear me whisper this.....the Lord,the Maker of heaven and earth, Jesus......loves you. Now listen even closer and you might here Him say this.....I love you.

Oh, sweet friend. Did you hear Him? Did you even really listen? Try again if you need to. I guarantee He wants to tell you. We can harden our hearts so much that we can't hear him speak. Even as a Believer. But His joy is there for you. You just have to invite Him into your heart. Some think that could be the most difficult thing in the world. But you don't have to let it be! I can tell you how right here. It is no secret. But feel free to talk to me if you need help. Simply admit that you are a sinner and broken God's laws. Tell Him you are sorry for that, believe that God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for your sins, and that you accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life. And don't forget, Jesus also ROSE from the dead three days later. He conquered death so that we may spend eternity with Him.

So.......Did you do that? Have you done it?
I have. And I so desperately hope that you have too. Why? Because I want you to have that unexplainable joy. And, selfishly, I want you in the same place where I will be spending eternity. If you've prayed that prayer before (or just now!) we WILL be together. And what fun that will be! But even sweeter is to know that we will be with Jesus. And he knows us. He made us. He made you and loves you. Come receive His joy with me......

"But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8

Hope you have a blessed day!

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1 comment:

  1. What an encouraging post! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog. So nice to "meet" you! -shaunna :)


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