Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break Fun!

Last week we were able to travel to my parent's house (Mimi & Pop) and spend the week! Mr. Nice took us halfway to meet up with them. We really did not do too much, but just enjoyed being away from our house and relaxing.

To me there is just something nice about getting out of your own house and being somewhere else for a few days! I did not worry about what laundry needed to be done or what rooms needed to be cleaned. The weather was really not condusive to that short sleeve dress Sugar has on, but they insisted on wearing it since it was a new outfit from Mimi and Pop!!

My mom had her house decorated so cute for Easter! She had some new things she had bought for the girls and some other things I remember having out as a child!  The last night we were there she so graciously let Spice pack up some all of her decorations so that we could enjoy them at our house!

We went to a place called Gatti Town while we were there, kinda like Incredible Pizza.  The girls had a fun time eating pizza and playing games!

I got a little sewing accomplished too! One of the projects I started working on was this one HERE.  I'm not quite done, but I am very pleased with how it is turning out.  I can not wait to share with you the finished results!
I had big plans of turning all of the above into cute dresses/shorts/pants, but it did not all get done...oh well!
Mom drove us back home and before we got home we got to stop and see this cutie...

I LOVE my nephew!

Mom had bought a cute little candy making kit for the girls to make at her house, and since we never made it we tested it out once we were home.  How cute are these??

One more fun thing we did to wrap up the week was go to the circus.  Spice was excited and said she had never been to a circus! The girls got to ride on some ponies and see some fun stuff.
Whew...all in all we had a very fun week that kept us busy but relaxed! We always love visiting with my parents and look forward to our next trip to Mimi and Pops!
Oh Yeah....and Mr. Nice took me to see John was a great show!!!
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1 comment:

  1. I almost didn't even recongnize my own child!!!!


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