Monday, January 11, 2010

What a difference....

a week makes...that is! Last week at this time we were pacing the halls of the hospital waiting to go home. I feel like now we can finally breathe and get on with the new year! We are already 11 days in and I feel like it should only be the 1st! I guess that is what happens when everything is put on hold because of a sick child.  My mom was so sweet to stay the week with us to help me around the house and get everyone 100% better and my house 100% back in order.  I failed to mention that in all the chaos we have been enduring some home imporovements that have made me feel like we have moved out and moved back in again! (more pictures on that to come soon!)

One day this week we peeked out and saw this....


Although I have had major cabin fever I have not particularly wanted to endure the fridgid temps around here! One night the low was 8 degrees....yes 8 degrees!!! I live in west Tennessee and for a girl from south Mississippi...that feels like 80 degrees below 0!! Mom and I did venture out on her birhtday to celebrate (thanks to my mother-in-law babysitting, then in turn getting the virus too!) and we did a little shopping on Saturday.  I was so cold I could not resist this....

I have also been keeping warm wearing 2 of my favorite things these days, this...

and these....

Hopefully soon I will thaw out!

1 comment:

  1. As I am sitting on the couch, watching the bachelor, I am wrapped up in my snuggie!!! Love the boots and love that you are getting back to normal around your house!!


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