Thursday, January 28, 2010

So Long, Farewell!

Many of you have asked and I have recieved many emails and calls about when I would reopen my business.  After praying about this for a few months now I have decided to call it quits after 3 years in the business.  Why? My small home business was successful and thriving, but I was the one and only employee putting in the long, late hours. (except for my tax guy...AKA Mr. Nice) For me it had turned into a J.O.B. and no longer a fun hobby.  It had become somewhat stressful and just not worth it to many anymore! Desinging was my creative outlet, dealing with rude customers felt like punishment! (although 99.9% of my customers were pleasant!!) Now I can do all the things that have been on the back burner like sew for my girls, get more sleep, organize my purse, and finish the 100 other projects I have started around here and not finished. Most important for me I have been trying to see things from more of an eternal aspect than worldly aspect.  Not that owning a small business is not what God intends, but I wanted to spend the extra time studying God's word a little deeper and go a  further in my walk with the Lord!  I think I will always create and work on creative things, but not in the public relm! Thanks again to all my sweet customers, supportive friends, and loving family!


  1. We're going to miss all of your cute designs! I'm glad you'll have more free time. You deserve it!

  2. hi ashley!

    reading your "why" for closing up shop is something i could write myself... when i was on my Christmas break, i realized quickly how much time sassy sprouts was taking away from my boys/husband. {and then to think, we'll be adding another member to our family in july!} email me when you get a second {}... i'm afraid that some of my things got lost in the mail! i'm excited for you and all the time you now have with your girls/family and the time for creative projects!!

    take care :)


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