Friday, January 1, 2010

Just a Word

No Resolutions this year...just a word....
I know this might sound crazy, but Mr. Nice and I were talking about "defining" the year 2010 and what word we would like to define it with. So, we came up with SIMPLIFY. Maybe because we spent most of December in crazy mode or maybe because we have just gotten so busy we need to really get back to the basics?
Anyway, this year we will simplify many aspects of our life!! That is our resolution word!
Although 2010 has not exactly started very simply. We did start New Years Eve morning off in the ER with Sugar who had been fighting a nasty stomach bug and had just gotten way too dehydrated. Then, when we thought we were in the clear Spice woke us up this morning with the bug too! Everyone seems to be doing better as I write this, so now I feel like we can officially breathe and start to Simplify...let me start with laundry!
One of my favorite bloggers has also come up with her "word" you can read all about it on Clover Lane.
Have a very Happy New Year!

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