Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fresh New Look!

I am so excited about my new blog layout that Jennisa at Once Upon a Blog just got finished with! Jennisa and I have been working together on some things and she is just so smart and creative!! I had a few ideas in mind on what I wanted the blog to look like.  I told her those ideas and she just did everything SOO perfectly! I hope you will go and visit her blog if you are looking to freshin' up the look of your blog too! Also, she made me a cute little button that you can add to your sidebar!:)
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  1. I love it!! Super cute...went and checked out the sight too..:)

  2. I love your new look Ashley!! Your girls are so precious! I am so happy to hear that Sugar is feeling better! Have a wonderful 2010 and look forward to keeping up with your blog:) Alyson


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