Friday, August 7, 2009

Prayers Please!

I have been on a little blogcation this month, and I thought my first post back would be a highlight on what we have been doing this summer...but I have something more important for now.


Please pray for my mom, Becky.

She has been diagnosed (again) with cancer. Four years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She took chemo and radiation, which worked great! After her treatments all was clear and she has only been going in for routine checkups and blood work. During that time my mom was so strong and brave. She was such a light and blessing for all to see during her treatments, an encouragement to all she came in contact with!!

Recently, she had a bladder infection. The doctors did some scans to make sure it was not kidney stones. No kidney stones, but something else came up....some specks on her hip bones. For two weeks, more tests, and lots of prayers that the cancer had not come back. We don't know why God works like he does, but the cancer came back. This time it is on these bones. The cancer cells had traveled to these bones and have been laying dormant until now.

This type of cancer is incurable, she will take a treatment once a month to shrink, slow down, and keep this cancer from spreading.

I have been in a little bit of shock, but I am at peace with this. I know that God is in control and that He is our strength and comfort. He can provide peace and healing. I do believe in miracles!!

Please pray for my mom! She is so strong and positive in this. She is brave. She is my hero!

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." Psalm 68:19


  1. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers..stay strong!

  2. Praying for your mom!!! Love ya!

  3. We will be praying sweet friend. Miss seeing you around.

  4. Amy let me know about this and I am praying for you all. I, too, was shocked when I heard it (after just going through all this!), but I trust the Lord for your Mom. What a blessing to be able to say that she is your hero!

  5. Ashley, you and your mom are in my prayers. Jenny

  6. Ashley, your mom is in our prayers and so are you. Always here if you need anything.

  7. I am out blog hopping because I think sleep is overrated. I was on Wendy's Stine's site and clicked over to ours. I am so sorry to read about your mom. I can only imagine how upsetting this is! Even when we walk with the Lord, these type of things are hits to our emotional well being and our spiritual equilibrium. Your mom sounds like a great lady. Please tell her I will be praying for her. Keep me posted.



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