Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Road Trip '09

Last Sunday the girls and I went on a little BIG road trip to South Carolina with Mimi and Pop! We had a great time, saw some new things, and probably drove Mimi and Pop crazy! The most important thing we did was visit my Nana, my mother's mother. It was so nice to see her since I had not seen her since Spice was Sugar's age (about 13 months). Needless to say she had never seen Sugar. Mom and I were very anxious for them to finally meet!
The first day we made it from Memphis to Atlanta, which was Spice's birthday! I was so excited to meet up with one of my very best friends Leigh and her husband Lee (how cute is that??) for dinner. This was another meeting that had been put off for way too long.....almost 4 years....too long!! Leigh is expecting her first baby in the fall, and she is just too cute. I was so excited for her to meet the girls, she definitely got a full dose of them at dinner. The next day's journey was not as long just a few hours before we arrived in Aiken, S.C.
While we were there we visited a majority of the time, did some shopping in their cute downtown area, went to a movie, played outside, ate ice cream, went to the local meuseum, met a puppet (Dean Eugene), and went antique shopping. Nana had a cake made for Spice so that we could celebrate while we were there!
On the way home we endured another long leg of the trip from Aiken to Birmingham. In Birmingham we ate dinner and did some shopping at The Summit. Before getting back to the hotel we were ambushed by the high winds and storms that our hometown had just endured. Spice was super concerned (so was I...Mimi too!!) The next morning we headed west, no not north toward Memphis, but to Mississippi to Mr. Nice's family reunion. (I told you this was a road trip!) We met up in the tiny Mississippi town of Sebastopol to eat the best home cooked food you can imagine! This was just what we needed to refuel and get some energy after the long drive. The girls were energized by seeing some new faces (namely Mr. Nice's). Mimi, Pop, and I were energized by the fact we were out of the car (for now), no one was crying, no one was whining, and I actually got to eat a meal without two tiny people crawling all over me.

1 comment:

  1. What a great trip! And I love the pictures, especially the one with 4 generations!!!


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