Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Chapter is Closed!

Yesterday marked the last day of two year old preschool. Did Spice understand it was her last day? Not really. Did I? Yes, I was kind of depressed the whole day. Not because I would miss two days a week to run errands, pick up the house, work on projects, sew, shop, etc.... It hit me hard that the 2's are coming to a close. Spice will be three in two weeks, and although some of you might laugh when you read this.....but three??? That is so big. When I think about "3", it makes my mind wander to "5", then to "10", then to "15". Oh my, I just can't wrap my brain around ANY of that! My baby is getting bigger, and bigger and bigger! I guess that IS suppose to happen??! For the next 2 weeks I'm going to soak in all of her two year old goodness, tantrums and all, before long it will be teenage tantrums!
As for preschool, it will start up again in September, and I'm sure when August hits we will all be looking forward to a new change of pace. This year has been so wonderful though. Spice had two wonderful teachers that totally kept her in line, and helped me deal with her strong willed tendencies. Thanks again Mrs. Darla & Mrs. Dian!! We Love You!!:)
"Train up a child in the way he should go,Even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding me of the Proverbs verse about "training" our children in the way they should go. My kids are 15 and 11, and I still cling to this promise.

    As I spend time with other high school kids from unchurched homes, I see the Truth of this verse more and more. Kids not raised in a godly home, many of them, are lost and without boundaries. Some of their lives are truly a mess. That is not to say that kids from godly homes never have issues, but they are fewer and far between.

    It is not because of anything we do personally. It is because our heavenly Father honors His Word and blesses our obedience.

    Blessings to you,



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