Monday, July 25, 2011

A Yearly Treat!

We are very blessed each year to take a week long beach vacation with Ken's family.  It is something we look forward to all year long! It seems like we start talking about the next beach trip before the first one ends and before long that one has come and gone.  As fast as the week seems to slip by we always get a lot of sand, sun, swimming, snacking and shopping done!

I was not as quick on my toes with my camera this year but I did get to snap a few favorites here and there....
Looking at these sweet pictures make me so excited about the memories we make as a family at the beach.  It is such a nice time to get away and enjoy being together!
 Cousin Ford was tons of fun this year! I will miss seeing him every morning and asking me where everyone is. He is such a sweet little boy who can make me laugh! The girls especially liked having another playmate around!
The girls enjoyed the sand and pool.  Of course MC is still a bigger fan of the pool and Caroline could dig in the sand all day long.  

 We had some more fun when we were able to meet up with some of our besties at the beach! The Wages had us over to their beach cottage where we swam, ate lunch and explored Carillon.  This has been our 2nd year in a row that we have been at the beach the same week. Hopefully this will be the same each year!
Gran and Boompa, thanks again for a wonderful week at the beach and fun memories made! We love you very much!

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