Friday, February 4, 2011

Love at First Sight!

Introducing John Cooper, "Jack"
January 31, 2011
12:03 pm
6 lbs, 7oz
19 1/2 inches
Babies are a funny thing.  You know you are going to love them, you know that they will be yours, but there is something about actually SEEING them for the first time! Oh how God makes so much room for them in your heart with an unconditional love that is so unexplainable!

Our son has captured all of our hearts.  Everyday has been new and different and fun.  We can only pray for wondrous things to unfold in his life.

The girls are literally over the moon in love with him! They are so sweet and loving towards him.  I could watch them talk and hold him for hours.  It is so sweet to see a motherly instinct already in them.  We praise the Lord for one of the sweetest blessings ever...the gift of a child!


  1. Congrats on your first son...boys are so much fun! Praise God he is here and doing well!

  2. Ashley, he is precious!!!! Congratulations to you and your family!

  3. Ashley, he is just so adorable & perfect!! Congratulations! I love all that hair!

  4. Love! Congrats, sweet Ashley! He's perfect.

  5. Congratulations! He is precious. Hope all is going well.

  6. Awwww Ashley! Congrats! What a wonderful family you have!!

  7. He is adorable! What a precious blessing! You are going to love having a little boy. They have a way of capturing their mama's heart in a special way! Joy to your sweet family!

  8. I have never commented before but have been reading your blog for a while now and had to say congratulations on your beautiful family! There is nothing nicer than watching siblings fall totally in love with each other! x

  9. Love it! Congratulations!!! What a precious time! I remember wondering the day before Madden was born how I could ever love her as much as Murphy (hormonal craziness at its best)...then I saw her-I've been wrapped around her finger ever since! God is so good!

  10. YEA! I'm so excited about little Jack and WE can't wait to see him again! The children have prayed for him everyday since we met him :)! They love him, also :)!

  11. What a sweet, sweet boy. Congratulations!

  12. Congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby boy! he is precious!

  13. ahhhhhhh!!!! He's Gorgeous! and You are Gorgeous. Me and mom were just thinking, "she looks good even after giving birth." Cant wait to see him in Class soon! All that Hair is soo precious!


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