Friday, January 7, 2011


Molly Cate asked, "Mama, did you take a shower at your baby shower?" This question made me think...well, why is it called a baby shower?  After thinking back on the night I know it is because it is a time for your friends and family to "shower" you in love.  I feel so blessed to have so many sweet friends that came to celebrate baby Jack and his upcoming arrival! The food was absolutely wonderful, my friend Amanda made a yummy banana cake with carmel icing.  (I will share the recipe when I get it from her).....

The table so pretty thanks to Morgan and all her attention to details! Even little peanut butter haystacks with 3 yogurt covered raisins in each one to represent our three kiddos!

This is me and Morgan showing off our bellies! She is due in April and we do not know the sex, but I know that Jack and baby Harrington will have some fun times together!

We obviously thought this was a fun gift..and it is...matching PJ's for me and Jack!

This was exciting too! A sweet lovie made by Tracy, she had also previously made one for the girls...which Caroline still sleeps with!

It is always fun to see your baby's name on something as well! Thanks Wren for the cute little burp cloth!

Thanks to all of our sweet friends for such nice gifts! It was so much fun to bring his things home and to get them all ready in his little room.  I have a feeling we will be seeing lots of these type things around here....

Sweet baby boy clothes... 

Caroline was really excited about a few of the things Jack got as well....

Last but not least a belly shot, this will probably be that last until the big day! (I feel weird taking pictures alone of myself)


  1. Caleb asked us the same thing, are they all taking a shower together!? We had to explain its the same thing as a party just called a shower! We can't wait to see Jack!!

  2. Oh my you have got to be the cutest Mama around with that baby bump! I'm so glad you had a wonderful shower. Boys are fun! Congratz


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