Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Sweet Day

Today the doctor had good news baby boy blue and I were doing good!! Praise the Lord...thank you for your prayers, calls and concerns!   He wants me to take it as easy as possible and try not to do too much.  That is not so easy to tell a 32 week pregnant woman with Christmas 10 days away! I am going to do my best.  The good thing is that Christmas shopping is pretty much complete...hip hip hurray! It has been for a while, but I did pick up some last minute things today. My girls LOVE these...

Calico Critters, and I do too..they are so cute and I love watching them play pretend with them!

The other day we worked on making this....

You can find the recipe HERE.  We made these for our sweet teachers at school.   I halfed the recipe and used smaller jars.  They were very easy to make, but a bit challenging when you have a 2 and 4  year old who sees chocolate and goes gaga! (No children touched any ingredients that were to be put in the jars....I am kinda funny about things like that!)

We made a little assembly line and got them all finished up!

I just love mason jars!

I used some red and white twine and attached a little card with this poem:
A significant symbol of Christmas
Is the simple candy cane.
It's shape is the crook of the Shepherd
One of the first who came.
The lively pepermint flavor is
The regal gift of spice.
The white is Jesus' purity.
The red His sacrifice.
The narrow stripes are friendship
And the nearness of His love.
Eternal, sweet compassion
A gift from God above.
The candy cane reminds us all
Of how much God cared.
And like His Christmas gift to us
It's meant to be broken and shared. 
We taste tested the recipe the other night, and it was rich and yummy! I used the indredients that we had already divided out into a jar.  The candy canes had all stuck together (not sure how you stop that from happening), but once I crushed them back up it was DELICIOUS!

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  1. What a cute idea!! I may have to steal this one from ya! Glad you are doing good. I can't imagine being told to take it easy at this time of year...not to mention when you have two children;)!

  2. i love these!! they are so pretty and mason jars are perfect! glad to hear you are doing ok!
    i read your dog post too, i know how hard that had to be for you, but you know what was best for you and them. have a great weekend, get some rest.


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