Monday, April 5, 2010

My favorite...Easter!

I think I love Easter more than any other holiday.  The season is my favorite and the meaning of Easter is...well...the MOST important thing.  If Jesus would not have died on that cross we would have NO hope! I am so thankful for Him and what he did for each of us! The sweet lamb of God, what a blessing!

We had a fun filled weekend, starting early on Thursday with Spice's first school egg hunt! It was so cute seeing the kids scurring around to find their eggs!

Sugar and Spice also got to attend an egg hunt Saturday morning with Gran and Boompa, Mr. Nice and I were serving at our church, but we heard all about how much fun it was! On Saturday Mimi and Pop came and we were able to make a quick trip to the zoo and one of our favorite BBQ spots Central BBQ!

Sunday morning we attended church and heard an amazing sermon from our Pastor.  If you were unable to attend a servcice on Sunday I highly recommend you listening to this one

To just be honest here is how our yearly Easter pics went...not the best but that is life with a 3 year old and 1 year old!

After lunch we were out to the yard for a a quick egg hunt of our own. 

After Sugar and Spice found all of the eggs, Spice decided that she and Sugar should hide them for the grandparents!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend! I hope you and your family did as well!

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1 comment:

  1. Glad yall had a great Easter! Your girls are just precious. Love the fam pic :)


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