Monday, April 12, 2010

The Call

The Call was the theme of this year's DNOW weekend.

"But the Lord said to Ananias, 'Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.'"  Acts 9:15

What is DNOW? Disciple Now weekend, is an awesome event packed weekend for middle and high schoolers at our church. We heard from two awesome speakers and an amazing band.

(the girls RUNNING to their seats!!)

I had such a great time getting to now my 9th grade girls even more and growing closer to the Lord! I was extremely tired and have decided I can no longer hang when it comes to staying up late. I literally crashed Sunday night!  Friday night was the first night with Brent Crowe as the speaker and Glory Revealed singing.  They were both great! My girls seemed to enjoy it and at the end of the night were looking forward to the next day!

Saturday was FULL with hearing from David Nassar who cracked me up with his high school stories and again with beautiful music from Glory Revealed.  When the conference was over we visited with our friends from the nursing home, went to dinner, then on to our scavenger hunt!!

The scavenger hunt was a lot of fun, and although it was close, my team did not win! hoo!  Here are a few highlights...

(dinner first)

The other team did a few more things than we did the hottest hot wing in town (which they saved a smeared in my made my lip swell it was so hot...seriously!)

We all had a great time, the girls are even wanting to plan another weekend get together like this in the summer! I will be getting my sleep until then!!:)

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  1. hey ashley! looks like they had a blast! did you do all of this at your church or did you travel to a city where both speakers and band were together? would love to know! thanks!

  2. come over! i have a little award for you!


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