Thursday, January 7, 2010

Much Much Better!

We returned home early Monday evening, and boy were we sooo happy!! A tiny hospital room is not a place I like to spend a lot of time.  Sugar's EEG turned out perfectly normal and all the doctors confirm that the seizures were just a side effect of the virus.  I am so thankful to so many prayer warriors out there who have been praying for Sugar, wonderful doctors and nurses, my sweet sister-in-law, grandparents who leave their weekend get away early to drive as fast as they can home, grandparents who have no problems waking up at 4:30 in the morning to jump in the car and drive five hours, my husband who held Sugar for for over 24 hours striaght b/c she just wanted him, but most of all my worderful Lord who healed my baby!

As I type this I can hear squeals of glee echoing around the house as my girls play hide-and-seek with my mom. Praise the Lord Sugar is better!


  1. Cute pictures. Like the one with the 2 pacis. If they can play hide-n-seek it's time for BoomPa to start up the good ole game of "coin"

  2. Thanks be to God! So happy you are all home.:-)

  3. yea!! I am so glad she is feeling better and everyone is at home able to get some much needed rest!

  4. I am so glad to hear you are home and she is doing better. Praise God!

  5. I am glad to she is doing better! My 23 month old does the same thing with her pacifiers (or BBs as she calls them.) :0)


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