Friday, January 15, 2010

Bible Verse Bookmarks

The other night I got to sit around with some awesome friends. We did not get to chat that much, we didn't share stories about our kids or work, we didn't even sit together to eat a meal! (Unless you count a mini snickers as a meal?) Instead on this night we half of the Bible retold to us by our pastor's wife! Yes, that is right half the Bible retold to us in chronological order! Why? Because we have started reading the one year chronological Bible together, that is our goal for this year! We are helping each other stay accountable to reading and studying the Bible. How exciting is that? I am just so thankful and grateful to God that he has given me sweet friends to do things like this with!

For my friends at my table I made them a laminated bookmark for them to keep in their Bibles.  The Bible is dated, so it should not be hard for them to lose their place, but the verse I put on there is a reminder of why we want to study our Bibles and memorize verses.

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."  Psalm 119:11

Making these daily reminders is super easy!
1. Gather some cute scrapbook paper (I tend to hoard this stuff, although I do not scrapbook!) I used Amy Butler's scrapbook papers in the Belle designs.

2. I cut the paper to the size I wanted (mine was 7 1/2 x 2 1/2)

3. Next I typed out the verse I wanted onto white paper and used scrapbooker's tape (again, not a scrapbooker....but I have this stuff!) to stick it onto the bookmark.

4. Now if you have a laminator machine you will have to cut your lamination pockets to fit.  Mine were 8 1/2 x 11 sized pockets so I just cut them down to fit.  They were not all perfect but it worked.
*If you do not have a laminator you can use the laminator pockets and laminator machine at a place like Kinkos, again you will just have to use thier cutter to get the right size.  My finished size ended up being 8 1/2 x 3.
5. Then I punched holes at the top and fed pretty coordinating ribbon in the top.  I like the wider ribbon, but whatever you like will work fine!  Some of the bookmarks I tied knots and some I just looped through.
6. One thing I did not do, but should have is apply frey check to edges of the ribbon.

These would make great gifts for friends or teachers!


  1. Thanks again for my bookmark! I just love it!

  2. I've got mine in my Bible saving my place!!

    And, I LOVE the new blog look!!

  3. Awesome!!! Great job! I may be borrowing your idea for happies for friends. Thank you!

  4. I love the paper.. Amy Butler.. yummy! Great idea and the verse.. perfect. I might have to borrow that for craft day with my moms group at my church. I am the craft lady and this looks perfect.

  5. oh how i love this!! thank you!


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