Since my last post there is MUCH to fill in and write about, I guess that is why I haven't blogged much. This may be a quick and simple post, but Ive had a few people (maybe the only "few") who read my blog ask whats been going on so I want to do a quickie update:
We have had some more heartbreak, but still I continue to find JOY in each and everyday! Even the super hard ones.
* Ken's moms surgery was unsuccessful. Her cancer had spread to her liver. BUT God is good Since surgery day she has been doing amazingly well, she is taking a mild chemo and tolerating it well! I know it is by the sweet grace and love of God that He IS strengthening her and caring her through! We have had some super fun times including a recent trip to Pickwick lake with our family, and a 5K run to cure pancreatic cancer. TODAY is another scan day....probably the hardest days ever if you are a cancer patient. PLEASE PRAY!! We are praying in Faith that God will take this completely out of her body!!

*We were suppose to make a return trip to Haiti as leaders with our church youth group in March, in January we decided that it was probably not a good idea to travel out of the country right now. Honestly we were heartbroken, but we knew it was not the right time. I struggled greatly with not going, but Ken and I felt confident that we did not need to go. Oh how our thoughts are not God's thoughts...keep reading....
*Since we were no longer going out of the country during Spring break we did make a last minute (3 weeks out) decision to take a family trip to Disney. This was crazy fast, but we had a free food coupon. We went back and forth on if we should go or not, but again the timing of this trip was probably the best. This was such a sweet time for our little family of five and lots of fun for the kids...and us!!!
*The day we left for Disney my mom had a scan to check her cancer. The day we returned we found out it had also spread to her liver!!! Words can not even describe my feelings at this point. I remember crying my eyes out in the Orlando airport bathroom. How could this be happening??? How were we going to face all this sickness with our moms at the same time??? It was a very long flight home!! (The news of this came a few days before we would have been leaving for Haiti)
*I unpacked and repacked our bags for Hattiesburg, so that we could spend some time with my mom. We left on a Saturday and returned on Wednesday.
*Early on Saturday morning we got a call that my Nana, my moms mom had passed away. We were surprised and so sad by this news. The timing again seemed so crazy. On Tuesday we packed the car for a quick road trip to North Carolina for the funeral.
*Since then my mom has started a natural healing journey seeing a doctor here in Memphis. She has stopped working so that she can stay home and take care of herself. It has been a hard journey so far, but she is just about the strongest person I know. Im amazed at how she has handled this all with such grace. I know that God will also heal her body and take this cancer far, far away!!!!
Now, some of you may say WHOA!!!! This is AWEFUL!!!........YES!!! IT IS!!!!
But Let me just tell you!! WE SERVE A VERY GOOD GOD!!!! The Lord has sustained us through every terrible moment, and has TRULY given us something to smile about EVERY day!!!!
God is teaching me SO MUCH as we walk through this valley. #1...this is NOT our home, we are only passing through this life. Time is short. We must enjoy what God has given us here, tell people about Him, and let God use us and our struggles and circumstances of life to reach His people.
#2.....I tell people everyday, it is ONLY through the Love and Peace of God that we have conquered through these difficult days! We have VERY sweet friends, family, teachers and neighbors who I know are praying for us!!! The people the Lord has placed in our lives are very important to us and we are so thankful for the love and support of all these people during this time.
The Matt Redman song, "Never Once" has really been speaking to me every time I hear it....especially this verse...
Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Never once did we ever walk alone
Carried by Your constant grace
Held within Your perfect peace
Never once, no, we never walk alone
We have NEVER walked alone during this time!! God is Faithful!!